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FIFA 16 Defensive Skills - How To Defend In FIFA 16

Sep. 29, 2015 15:26:51 GTM+8

FIFA 16 has a defensive change: one is actively teammate on the looting, the other is the back to catch faster. So basically abandoned urfifa.com closing down tactics, but do not just rely on manual switching conventional single anti-player, see the other side pushed to the sidewalk that sometimes I would take around rush. Why do so because urfifa.com constantly switching, such as passing out his players to switch to the corresponding position players to defense, that formation is not easy to chaos, physical nor excessive consumption.

Next let's talk about FIFA 16 players for manual single anti-awareness: Grab less positive on the side, then press the shot button to push him, sometimes not squeeze could force him to open the outgoing low-quality ball, then that is not according to the backcourt defense accelerate death, the closer to their own goal Songane more speed urfifa.com, the closed area go step by l2 like crab.

Urfifa.com first defensive awareness is interfere with his ball, pushing him, pulling his clothes, squeeze him. Consciousness is the second defensive line cut him out fifa coins of the ball is l2 crab step. The third defensive awareness is off his ball, which FIFA 16 coins requires anticipation, such as his wing attack to your box, you premonition he would cut inside, you go out to determine the direction has to withdraw step, he just cut into the ball is you of, and change to also, you really want to break him the ball, relying on anticipation rather than which button. Sometimes steal what key do not need is a direction key...

These are the places I usually pay attention to defense is still very difficult, but you have to see the opponent's attack to match the level, you anticipate him, he also anticipate you, he is extraordinary by your defense anticipation trend to change direction, so there is no one size fits all, is against each other, but we have to seize the opportunity, my defensive philosophy is to interfere with his first ball by teammate brave the rush truncated. Play down tiring...


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