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FIFA interview with Gu Yasha opener is not afraid to Canadian Women

There are less than 30 days, 2015 Canadian Women's World Cup is about to begin in June 6th, while in the Chinese women's football opener sitting on home advantage against Women Canada. Chinese women's football veteran Gu Yasha also yesterday accepted an exclusive interview with FIFA's official website. When asked on June 6 against hosts Canada Women's opening wartime, Gu Yasha said the Chinese women's football has been in the preparation of the beginning of the game preparing for a special: "It was a 50-50 game, who's stronger, who will win the game. That hope will be a spectacular match, unchallenged interference, so that the two teams can create their own buy fifa 16 coins opportunities, and stronger team can win game. "

Since the 2011 FIFA Women's FUT 16 Coins once China lost 2-3 to Canada's women's football, and then Gu Yasha also experienced the game, talking about the old rival Canadian team, Hao Wei Gu Yasha thanked the "homework" so that they better understand the opponent: "We coach after the game will always give us homework, such as watching the game replay, such as attention to our performance, even through PPT to analyze the video game, so we better match played in Canada by a lot of experienced The players formed, each of whom has a strong personal strength, but they still have their own deficiencies, but fortunately we have found their shortcomings in order to use these problems to win the game. "

Gu Yasha said she will use their experience to drive the growth of his teammates: "We really are a very young team, I think my role is to use his experience to help his team has played as a fast-growing women's football in China. 7-year players, I believe that a strong sense of responsibility on my shoulders. Our young players are confident and eager to play in the Women's FIFA World Cup better results. We will seize the opportunities in the game, not afraid mistakes, or to avoid making mistakes. "


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