



Maradona blasted the FIFA Sepp Blatter criticized the incompetence

Argentina Diego Maradona football summit appeared recently, publicly expressed support for Jordan's Prince Ali bin Hussein election FIFA FUT 16 Coins President, also harshly criticized the current FIFA president Sepp Blatter.

Maradona said: "The football circles of people know that the FIFA interior is one person, but I think that person really do not understand anything now is the time for a change.." "I think Blatter should take the initiative to leave, he has done a lot of damage football thing, it buy fifa 16 coins is time to step aside to make way for people who truly love this sport. under the leadership of Sepp Blatter, football is becoming more to more corruption. "


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FIFA interview with Gu Yasha opener is not afraid to Canadian Women

There are less than 30 days, 2015 Canadian Women's World Cup is about to begin in June 6th, while in the Chinese women's football opener sitting on home advantage against Women Canada. Chinese women's football veteran Gu Yasha also yesterday accepted an exclusive interview with FIFA's official website. When asked on June 6 against hosts Canada Women's opening wartime, Gu Yasha said the Chinese women's football has been in the preparation of the beginning of the game preparing for a special: "It was a 50-50 game, who's stronger, who will win the game. That hope will be a spectacular match, unchallenged interference, so that the two teams can create their own buy fifa 16 coins opportunities, and stronger team can win game. "

Since the 2011 FIFA Women's FUT 16 Coins once China lost 2-3 to Canada's women's football, and then Gu Yasha also experienced the game, talking about the old rival Canadian team, Hao Wei Gu Yasha thanked the "homework" so that they better understand the opponent: "We coach after the game will always give us homework, such as watching the game replay, such as attention to our performance, even through PPT to analyze the video game, so we better match played in Canada by a lot of experienced The players formed, each of whom has a strong personal strength, but they still have their own deficiencies, but fortunately we have found their shortcomings in order to use these problems to win the game. "

Gu Yasha said she will use their experience to drive the growth of his teammates: "We really are a very young team, I think my role is to use his experience to help his team has played as a fast-growing women's football in China. 7-year players, I believe that a strong sense of responsibility on my shoulders. Our young players are confident and eager to play in the Women's FIFA World Cup better results. We will seize the opportunities in the game, not afraid mistakes, or to avoid making mistakes. "

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What are the complications of acute prostatitis?

There are two types of prostatitis. One is acute prostatitis and the other is chronic prostatitis. Chronic prostatitis commonly develops from improper treatment of acute prostatitis. Thus timely and proper treatment for acute prostatitis is important. Here are the complications of acute prostatitis:

First, affect men's work and live
Damages caused by acute prostatitis are large. If men have prostatitis, they can experience frequent urination, urgent urination and other bladder infection system. Those symptoms can bring troubles to men’s lives. If you want to know more about prostatitis, please view this article: how to cure acute prostatitis?
Second, affect sexual function
If men are affected by acute prostatitis, pain during sex can cause impotence, premature ejaculation, declined sexual desire and even sexual dysfunction when it lasts for a long time.
Third, Male psychasthenia
If men have acute prostatitis, due to the inflammation, men also can experience dreaminess, hypomnesis and other psychasthenia symptoms.
The treatment of acute prostatitis:
Antibiotic is the most common treatment for acute prostatitis. Commonly acute prostatitis can be cured by antibiotic within weeks. Although antibiotic has many weaknesses, such short treatment with antibiotic cannot bring harms to human. If the acute prostatitis develops into chronic prostatitis, antibiotic isn’t suitable anymore. Chronicprostatitis is better to be cure by herbal medicine. Herbal medicine has no side-effect and no drug resistance, thus it is suitable for long time taking.
source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Acute_prostatitis/2013/0816/1041.html

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How to cure frequent urination caused by prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an annoying disease for men, not only because of the low cure rate, but also because of its symptoms. Prostatitis can bring urgent urination, difficult or painful urination, fever, low-back pain, frequent urination and other symptoms to men. But among those symptoms, frequent urination is the one should be pay attention to.

If you have the willing to urinate more than one time per hour, that means you have had frequent urination. This symptom is unbearable and annoying, because patients with this symptom cannot focus on work, go out for a happy holiday and even have a good sleep at night.
Since frequent urination is so annoying, how to cure it? There is no doubt that you will recommend antibiotics because when prostatitis disappear, this symptom will disappear too. But as you may know that 90% of prostatitis are chronic nonbacterial prostatitis which cannot be cured by antibiotics. What's more, antibiotics have so many disadvantages such as drug resistance and side-effects. It isn't a healthy treatment.
Frequent urination can be solved by a natural treatment - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This pill is diuretic. After taking this pill, you will find that the urination time is declined and the volume of urine is increasing. What's more, you also can have a good sleep at night.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill not only can solve frequent urination, but also can cure prostatitis thoroughly in three months, because of those functions such as promoting blood circulation of prostate gland, Improving Qi, clearing away heat and toxic materials and releasing pain.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, a natural treatment for frequent urination caused by prostatitis, is an outstanding pill. This pill is approved by SIPO in 2010. It is worth to try.
source : http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Prostatitis/Acute_prostatitis/2013/1113/1092.html

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Injection Therapy of Curing Prostatitis

Systemic administration of antibiotics in the prostate is not easy to achieve an effective concentration to perform its effect, so the treatment of injecting antibiotics directly into the prostate is appeard.The specific method is to inject gentamicin, kanamycin, pioneer adriamycin, alone or in combination, through the perineum into the prostate gland directly. Or under the ultrasonic, take direct injection of the medicine within the lesions in the prostate. 1 or 2 times per week, and 10 times is a course of treatment.
The main advantage of this prostatitis treatment method is that the drug can directly enter into the prostate, and it is easy to spread and to achieve effective antimicrobial concentrations. It can not only kill the bacteria at injection part, but also destroy the bacteria in surrounding tissue. Some medicine can be absorbed into the bloodstream to the urethra and other parts to eliminate the infection. It is a valuable treatment ofmethod of refractory chronic prostatitis. But it also has some disadvantages, including:
1. The parts of the prostate is deep inside the body, so direct injection is not easy. The puncture can cause damage on the surrounding tissue.
2. Puncture would probably cause pain and discomfort. If it is repeated, it would be sort of difficult to be accepted by patients.
3. Puncture through the skin or the rectum have the possibility of causing bacteria infection. That may cause repeated infection of the prostate.
4. Repeating puncture can cause fibrosis of prostate and prostate sclerosis. When patients are taking DRE, there is palpable induration within the prostate, or palpable and hard prostate. Fibrosis causes lesions surrounded isolated. Antibiotics is more difficult to enter the prostate, and lead to a difficult discharge of prostatic fluid.
5. Because the prostate injection therapy is the delivery of antibiotics directly to the prostate,  long-term repeated injection would lead to the drug resistance, which make it more difficult to cure prostatitis.
So patients must be careful when they choose treatment. Only when other methods are all fail to treat them, then can they consider to use this method. Meanwhile, the puncture can not be too frequent. Puncture 1 or 2 times per week, and treatment should not be too long - control it in 2 months.
Harm of prostatitis is huge, therefore it is suggested that the patients should take treatment promptly under instructions of doctors. Doctor Lee is an excellent Traditional Chinese doctor in Wuhan. She has researched the medicine - Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for many years which has applied for national patent, and the patent number is :200910157894.The medicine has an significant effective on prostatitis, male infertility.  Like food, traditional Chinese medicines are derived from natural minerals, plants, and animals, and of side effects. Chinese medicine has no resistance, so patients can continue to take the medicine till the diseases is radically cured. This is the unique advantage of Diuretic And Anti-inflammatory Pill. Diuretic And Anti-inflammatory Pill can promote blood circulation, dissolve stasis, clear away heat and toxic material, promote Qi and stop pain, in order to kill bacteria and eliminate inflammatoin and cure the disease in the end.

source: http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/Radical_Cure/2010/1129/207.html

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