



The four main causes and TCM treatment for necrospermia

The four main causes and TCM treatment for necrospermia

Necrospermia (or Necrozoospermia) is a condition where spermatozoa in semen are either immobile or dead. Commonly, it is one of the most common semen abnormalities, and it is also the major common cause of male infertility. 
1. Some of the inflammation and infections, such as prostatitis, orchitis
Clinically, some diseases like prostatitis, orchitis can cause 80% sperm being dead sperm. Due to the inflammatory infections, the necessary nutrients for sperm are consumed by the bacteria, and the pH which is the important environment of sperm is changed. Under the circumstances, the sperm which has no suitable nutrition and living environment is easy to be dead. 
2. Nonliquefaction of semen
Prostatic fluid secreted by the prostate is an important ingredient of the semen, accounting for about 30% of the semen. If patients have the diseases like prostatitis, orchitis, the inflammatory substances can impact on the amount and ingredients of the sperm. Thus, the sperm activity can be d because of the decreasing prostatic fluid, which makes the nonliquefaction of semen. If the sperm cannot be liquefied, then more and more sperm will be dead. 
3.Too much abnormal sperm 
Clinically, the condition in which the abnormal sperm are more than 50% is known as abnormal sperm polycythemia. And too much abnormal sperm impacts on necrospermia, causing the low survival rate of sperm. 
4.Poor sperm motility
Sperm motility and fructose contained in the seminal vesicles have directly relationship. If the fructos is reduced, the sperm can be nutritional deficiencies. Thus, the sperm mortality can be reduced, which increase the mortality rate of sperm. In addition, the deficiency of vitamin A, E also has a great impact on sperm motility, which directly impacts on the sperm mortality.
Currently, necrospermia is not incurable disease. Clinically, necrospermia are mainly caused by the inflammation and infection, like prostatitis, orchitis. Thus, if patients want to cure the necrospermia, they should cure their prostatitis, orchitis first. According to medical survey, the TCM treatment like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill works effectively on the necrospermia.
Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill contains some herbs which can kill bacteria and clear away heat effectively. Clinically, it has curative effect on the prostatitis, orchitis and so on. Besides, the herbal medicine is made from complete herbs, which has not drug resistance and side effect to the reproductive organs. Commonly, the inflammatory infection like prostatitis, orchitis can be cured in about 3 months. Therefore, without the inflammation and infection, the necrospermia can get the completely treatment.
article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Necrospermia/2014/0613/197.html

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The four main causes and TCM treatment for necrospermia

The four main causes and TCM treatment for necrospermia

Necrospermia (or Necrozoospermia) is a condition where spermatozoa in semen are either immobile or dead. Commonly, it is one of the most common semen abnormalities, and it is also the major common cause of male infertility. 
1. Some of the inflammation and infections, such as prostatitis, orchitis
Clinically, some diseases like prostatitis, orchitis can cause 80% sperm being dead sperm. Due to the inflammatory infections, the necessary nutrients for sperm are consumed by the bacteria, and the pH which is the important environment of sperm is changed. Under the circumstances, the sperm which has no suitable nutrition and living environment is easy to be dead. 
2. Nonliquefaction of semen
Prostatic fluid secreted by the prostate is an important ingredient of the semen, accounting for about 30% of the semen. If patients have the diseases like prostatitis, orchitis, the inflammatory substances can impact on the amount and ingredients of the sperm. Thus, the sperm activity can be d because of the decreasing prostatic fluid, which makes the nonliquefaction of semen. If the sperm cannot be liquefied, then more and more sperm will be dead. 
3.Too much abnormal sperm 
Clinically, the condition in which the abnormal sperm are more than 50% is known as abnormal sperm polycythemia. And too much abnormal sperm impacts on necrospermia, causing the low survival rate of sperm. 
4.Poor sperm motility
Sperm motility and fructose contained in the seminal vesicles have directly relationship. If the fructos is reduced, the sperm can be nutritional deficiencies. Thus, the sperm mortality can be reduced, which increase the mortality rate of sperm. In addition, the deficiency of vitamin A, E also has a great impact on sperm motility, which directly impacts on the sperm mortality.
Currently, necrospermia is not incurable disease. Clinically, necrospermia are mainly caused by the inflammation and infection, like prostatitis, orchitis. Thus, if patients want to cure the necrospermia, they should cure their prostatitis, orchitis first. According to medical survey, the TCM treatment like diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill works effectively on the necrospermia.
Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill contains some herbs which can kill bacteria and clear away heat effectively. Clinically, it has curative effect on the prostatitis, orchitis and so on. Besides, the herbal medicine is made from complete herbs, which has not drug resistance and side effect to the reproductive organs. Commonly, the inflammatory infection like prostatitis, orchitis can be cured in about 3 months. Therefore, without the inflammation and infection, the necrospermia can get the completely treatment.
article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Necrospermia/2014/0613/197.html

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To cure asthenozoospermia, herbal treatment with dietary therapy can maximize the curative effect

To cure asthenozoospermia, herbal treatment with dietary therapy can maximize the curative effect

Asthenozoospermia is the most frequent seminal alteration and causes of infertility. In clinic, it refers to a condition that the forward movement sperm of grade A and grade B are less than 50%, or the grade A movement sperm is less than 25% in semen parameters. In other words, the disease refers to the decrease in the motility of sperm. For the treatment of this disease, the herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill with dietary therapy works best to asthenozoospermia.

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory pill is invented by Wuhan herbalist Dr. Lee Xiaoping with over 30 years’ clinical experience. It is reasonably combined by more than 50 kinds of herbs, making it effective to cure asthenozoospermia. 
The prescription is made from Plantain Seed, Dianthus superbus, Talc, Polygonum aviculare, Safflower, Peach, Angelica sinensis, red peony and dozens of Chinese medicine. It works effectively on asthenozoospermia caused by acute or chronic inflammation of epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate etc.
As a national patented drug, the effect of the herbal medicine is recognized all over the world. Besides, it can also meet the demand of clinical cure. In general, patients can feel great improvements at the end of the first month, and the effect will be obvious if they continue taking it.
In addition to this herbal treatment, dietary therapy is also important. Then, what diet should they take in their daily life? Some foods which can boost both the count and motility of the sperm are needed. For example, the Loach soup, Shrimp fried leeks, Longan and Jujube soup, and C. deserticola porridge. 
In addition to the four therapeutic sides, for the choice of food, the foods rich in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary. Besides, moderate exercise is needed in their daily life. It is better for patients to take 20-30 minutes’ exercises every day. 
To sum up, with the herbal medicine and the dietary therapy, asthenospermia can be cured eventually. It is worth noting that when taking diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, there are some food taboos. For the detailed dietary restrictions, you can consult the online doctor:
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Necrospermia_Infertility/2014/0806/568.html

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8 Tips Help to lower the Morbidity of Necrospermia

8 Tips Help to lower the Morbidity of Necrospermia

There was a necrospermia patient who got a cure with the help of Dr. Lee. This patient told Dr. Lee that no one could tell him what brought the necrospermia to him after he visited many doctors in different countries. He was so frustrated until one day he met Dr. Lee. After a careful diagnosis, Dr. Lee told him that his necrospermia might be caused by chromosome abnormality and it turned out that Dr. Lee was right. Therefore, In order to help more men far away from the necrospermia, the followings are 8 common reasons of the necrospermia, Dr. Lee summarizes. 
High temperature
The function of testicles can be hurt by high temperature, so men should avoid staying in high temperature environment for a long time. What’s more, the inner temperature of a running laptop can be 70 degree centigrade high, which means the working laptop can make the temperature of scrotum rise 3 degree centigrade, according to numerous reports. Therefore, men should also avoid putting laptop on legs for a long time.
Men should also avoid staying in a radiation environment. The disqualification decoration materials like marble, tiles, granite and closestool commonly have excessive radiation. Those microwaves with thermal effect like electromagnetic wave, microwave, infrared ray, ultraviolet ray which belong to nonionizing radiation can bring damage to testicles, leading to necrospermia to men.
Chemical materials with phthalate
Phthalate is a widely used material. It can be found in toy, wallpaper, cleanser, lubricating oil, nail polish, shampoo and so on. Phthalate not only can affect man’s endocrine and the morphology of sperm, but also can affect the reproductive organs of fetus if pregnant women paint nail polish.
Short of microelement
Microelements like Zn, Xi, Cu, Ca and Mg are essential to   necrospermia. Lack of Zn can slow down the movement of sperm and weaken men’s immunity, making men to affect prostatitis and epididymitis easily. Lack of Xi can bring harm to man’s testicles by increasing the concentration of oxygen.
Vehicle exhaust
Vehicle exhaust contains numerous toxic materials, especially the dioxin. Dioxin can affect the discharge of endocrine strongly, bringing abnormal morphology testicles, reducing the count of sperm and damaging the quality of sperm to men.
Noise can disorder the endocrine of men, reduce the volume of semen and change the morphology of sperm. Therefore, necrospermia can be caused if one exposes in noise environment in a long time.
Alcohol can affect men’s reproductive ability by causing chromosome abnormality. And the patient mentioned above who got chromosome abnormality is a winebibber. 
Nicotine in the cigarette can affect men’s sperm greatly by reducing the sperm account and increasing the teratospermia.
article source : http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Necrospermia_Infertility/2014/0808/569.html

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Epididymitis - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Stages and Treatment

Epididymitis - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Stages and Treatment

Although most common in sexually active men between the ages of 18-35, and often caused by one of the bacterial infections such as: chlamydia, gonorrhea, or non-gonococcal urethritis - epididymitis can also affect older men too. However, when this is the case, it is often caused by a viral infection, and less so due to a bacterial one.

What is epididymitis?

When the epididymis, a single, narrow, tightly coiled tube that can be found just behind the testicles, and forms part of the male reproductive process which holds the male sperm becomes infected by either a bacteria or virus, the name given to the condition is epididymitis. The epididymis can grow to a length of some 7-meters, and consists of a head, body, and tail.

And although this condition is not usually seen as being life threatening, if left untreated can become rather uncomfortable to the sufferer, as any individual who has experienced it knows.

Symptoms - may include: a low-grade fever, chills, a heavy sensation in the area of the testicle that becomes sensitive to pressure, scrotal swelling or lumps, a discharge from the tip of the penis (the urethra), a dull pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen, pelvis, or groin area, and pain during sexual intercourse (especially during ejaculation).

Diagnosis - usually includes: a physical examination that may discover a small lump (mass) on the affected side of the scrotum (usually on the left-side, and less commonly found on the right), tenderness in the area where the epididymis is attached to the testicle, enlarged lymph nodes in the area of the groin, and a noticeable discharge coming from the tip of the penis. This may be followed by:

1. A rectal examination that often shows the prostate to be either swollen or tender.

2. Blood tests ([CBC] complete blood count).

3. A Doppler ultrasound test that uses reflected sound waves to evaluate the blood as it flows through the vessels.

4. A testicular scan ([nuclear medicine scan] after a radio-active tracer [radionuclide or radioisotope] has been administered into the body, a special camera [gamma] takes pictures that can show activity and function of the tissues found around the testicles, and of the testicles themselves).

5. Urine tests ([urinalysis] initial, and mid stream).

6. STD (sexually transmitted disease) tests for both chlamydia and gonorrhea.

These tests will also distinguish between epididymitis and testicle torsion which is another condition, and one that usually needs surgery to be treated.

Stages - If epididymitis has been present for longer than 6-weeks, it is usually classified as acute (chronic epididymitis).

Treatment - that is considered for epididymitis caused by a bacterial infection is usually a course of antibiotics, such as: Ceftriaxone 250 mg IM taken in a single dose, and usually accompanied by Doxycycline 100 mg taken orally twice a day for a period of 10 days.

However, when the epididymitis is caused by a viral infection, Levofloxacin 500 mg is usually prescribed to be taken orally once daily for a period of 10 days, or Ofloxacin 300 mg taken orally twice a day for the same period of time.

Sometimes acute epididymitis can be difficult to treat, and when this is the case, alternative medicines such as homeopathy treatments may be a good option.

Article Source: http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Chlamydia/20120720/chlamydia-treated.html

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